women tend to waste their time with frivolous things. When I was a young
mother, I would watch several soap operas. I would tape them every day so I
wouldn’t miss an episode. During the children’s naps, I would watch people do
things that are unbiblical and far from anything resembling purity. I was so
addicted, however, that I was easily able to justify it by saying to myself
that I deserved to be entertained and have time for just me. When Alyssa, my
oldest, was five years old and no longer took naps, she began watching them
with me. This was when I knew I could no longer try to justify watching them so
I stopped cold turkey. I haven’t watched one since, nor do I want to spend my
precious time on such useless things.
Bible says this to younger widows in 1 Timothy 5:13, “They also learn to waste
their time in going around from house to house; but even worse, they learn to
be gossips and busybodies, talking of things they should not.” Paul wrote this
right after directing young women that they should marry, bear children, and
guide the home, for this is the Lord’s will for them.
are many distractions today. In olden days, the women would waste their times
leaving their homes and gossiping with other women. Now, we can do it in our
own homes through television, Facebook, emails, texts, and tweets. These are
all distracting young women from what they should be doing and causing them to
be idle. They also use their tongues for evil and tearing others down with their
women should be taking good care of their husband, children, and home. This is
the prescription the Lord has given them. They don’t need to be in other women’s
business and speaking things against them. We are commanded to treat others as
we treat ourselves. If you don’t want to be gossiped about, don’t gossip about
need to be wise about the way you spend your time. The days are short, women,
and eternity is forever. Use your time to build up the kingdom of God by
obeying Him and doing what He has asked you to do and not on worthless pursuits.
Keep your homes clean and tidy, fix nourishing food for your families, raise disciplined and godly children, and be
the help meet to your husband that you should be.
Don’t waste your time
envying other women. This leads to nowhere good or beneficial. You don’t need
to look like other women who spend hours on their appearance and home. Live
within your husband’s income and be content where the Lord has you and what you
have been given. Understand that whatever you do in serving others, you are
serving the Lord. The Lord is watching over you so live your life glorifying
Him for He alone is worthy
Lady Virtue · 449 weeks ago
Mrs. G. · 449 weeks ago
Guest · 449 weeks ago
I do seem to like blogs better, because you can go in depth about things. It is more encouragement in a blog.
KiwiGuest · 449 weeks ago
We don't have a TV so I don't waste any time watching TV shows, but the hours I spend on Facebook make up for that.
Tracylynn · 449 weeks ago
Guest · 449 weeks ago
The phone is not a tool to gossip for me, but serving those who need help. Our children are learning what older people need as they age. Thankfully, my husband knows that I am not wasting time on the phone. I do try and keep working while helping them when on the phone. I started only answering the phone when it suits me. I tell them leave me a message. If it is urgent, tell me that, than I will call you right away.
One of the relatives has lost her husband, and they didn't have children. I am the only niece in the area. She gets confused on things to do with banking ect. I have already had her come to spend some hours with us, so I could be here, but yet she could see what I need to get done.
It is a daily task, to keep on track and do the best I can. My husband at least knows that I am not sitting around. I try hard to be organized and follow a routine daily. I am snowed under, with garden things. I hope when it is out of the way, to declutter. That way I won't feel overwhelmed with the extras things that come up.
I find sometimes serving our husband and children, also have to be extended family.
Amy · 449 weeks ago
Mrs. P · 449 weeks ago
S Khan · 424 weeks ago