difficult to know what counts in this world. Most of us count credits, honors,
dollars. But at the bulging center of midlife, I am beginning to see that the
things that really matter take place not in the board rooms, but in the
kitchens of the world.” (Gary Sledge)
am sure you have noticed that all of the ideas and goals that feminism holds dear
are completely opposite of what the Lord holds dear. Feminism has taught women
to value self, selfishness, and money over valuing others, servanthood, and
children. They wanted to get mothers out of the home and God wants mothers in
the home.
too many mothers are no longer in their homes and kitchens often, including
Christian mothers. Many spend their time working outside of their home or
occupy themselves on the nonessentials of life, instead. Even many stay-at-home
mothers don’t spend much time in their homes. Homes should be places of nourishing
the mind, body, and soul. It is the greenhouse for children and most of their
habits, characteristics, and disciplines or lack thereof are learned and formed
in the home.
is in the kitchen that nourishing food should be fixed by the mother of the
home for what they prepare for the family to eat determines what kind of health
a family will have. If a mother takes the time to shop for food as close as
possible to the way the Lord created it and fixes it in a way that is
appetizing for her family, she will be doing one of the most important jobs of
being a wife and mother.
and studying of the Word should be happening around the kitchen table along with
prayer before eating. Conversation should be challenging, exhorting, and
encouraging with your children to train them up in the ways of godliness. They
should always have a good defense for their faith and ready to answer every man
for questions that may arise. Right and wrong should be clearly taught, along
with all of the fruits of the Spirit. Godly parents will want to use the short years
they have with children under their roof to prepare them for a culture that
lives completely opposed to biblical principles.
is a place where minds should be sharpened by mothers who won’t allow their
children to vegetate in front of some screen all day but instead is reading to their children often and teaching them how to read. Wholesome reading should be
encouraged in the home as they grow older and the love of good literature,
especially the Bible, ought to be a priority since it develops the mind, creativity,
and knowledge.
you have paid close attention, you can see how the enemy of our souls is
destroying this nation by destroying the homes. You, mothers, have a large part
with whether or not their home is destroyed since the wise woman builds up her
home and the foolish one tears it down. Learn to become content at home as the
Apostle Paul had to learn to be content; for godliness with contentment is great
gain. Count your many blessings for a cheerful heart comes out of a thankful
heart. Don’t make a big deal out of the little things but make a big deal out
of the big things: faith, marriage, children, and home.
you this day whom you will serve
but as for me and my house, we wills serve the
Joshua 24:15
Taylor · 450 weeks ago
Lori Alexander 122p · 450 weeks ago
katy010305 45p · 450 weeks ago
Lori Alexander 122p · 450 weeks ago
Vicki · 450 weeks ago
Lori Alexander 122p · 450 weeks ago
R G · 450 weeks ago
Ann · 450 weeks ago
You can also raise everyone's beds and add storage underneath (under bed storage containers work great). But being a minimalist is getting by with less.
Do you have Netflix? There a lot of Christian movies on there and not from the 80s.
R G · 450 weeks ago
Rebecca · 450 weeks ago