Many disdain the idea of obeying their husband. They may think it resembles a child-parent or a slave-master relationship instead of a marriage. Many have accused me that this teaching leads women to being abused! They much prefer “mutual submission” and not just having one leader in the home. Are we commanded to obey our husbands? Yes, absolutely. Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement (1 Peter 3:6). We are to obey our husbands just as Sara obeyed Abraham and she even called him “lord” showing him her respect and submission.
What if you have friends who despise the idea of obeying
their husbands? What should you say to them to convince them that this is
indeed how they are supposed to be with their husbands? I asked the chat room
for their opinions and they gave me some great ideas!
Lindsay: “I would ask
whether obeying their boss sounds like a parent-child relationship or whether
obeying a police officer sounds like a parent-child relationship. We all have
to obey authority, not just children.”
Adrienne: “I would say to them ‘You are actually saying you can't
stand God's Word.... ‘ And then tell them the Scriptures and admit that as
sinners this can be difficult but we will be sanctified and grow...”
Amber: “I'm not sure what I
would say, but what I see happening in so many marriages is the wife trying to
treat her husband like a child and forcing him (usually through nagging) to
obey her. Most of the men I know want peaceful lives and don't abuse their
position of authority in the family. That's not the case for all men and women
of course, but I think it's true for the majority of couples. Obeying my
husband is pretty easy for me because he is calm, likes to make rational
decisions based on facts and not feelings or emotions, and he never uses
childish tactics to get his way. Plus biblical submission is a willing decision
made by the wife. If the husband is forcing the wife to obey, that's not
submission. I don't even really think about submission on a daily basis because
it's just kind of a daily decision to be kind and loving and respectful to my
husband as we should be to all people. I think about it more in important
Amy: “I would say it's
God I'm obeying.”
Dina: “I would say that it is very fulfilling to me
because it is just how God designed it to be.”
Brooke: “I'd challenge them. Be obedient to your
husband’s authority for thirty days. After thirty days, let's catch up and see
where you stand. I would have never believed it either. I thought my husband
would abuse his power. I felt I'd feel like a timid woman-child. I felt like
he'd actually want someone else after a while (someone who didn't let him ‘walk
all over her’). There is very little you can do to persuade someone....the
outcomes provide the best example.”
Kayla: “I'd say I didn't marry my husband to
disrespect and disregard his thoughts and feelings for the rest of my life. I
married him because I love and trust him to lead us and our family in any
Our obedience to our husbands is
our God-ordained role. If you want to fight it, you are fighting the Lord. His
will is always the best place for you to be so stop fighting and begin obeying
Him. You will find rest for your souls living in the center of His perfect will
for you.
Teach the younger women to be... obedient to their husbands.
Titus 2:4, 5
Christine Gowing · 447 weeks ago
Lori Alexander 122p · 447 weeks ago
Ann · 447 weeks ago
There are many people who have "titles" that represent authority and they have no trouble abusing their power. We have a choice in this country to use common sense to protect ourselves when faced wth an unreasonable authority figure. Personally, I also believe that to submit to one's spouse is a choice. When we chose to cooperate ( I don't use the word obey) with our spouse, generally the relationship runs more smoothly.
Children, on the other hand do need to obey their parents. I believe there is a big difference between cooperating and obeying. Lori, what do you think?
Lindsay Harold · 447 weeks ago
We shouldn't blindly obey police officers, husbands, or employers. But within their realm of rightful authority we should obey them. The husband has rightful authority from God to command his wife and children in matters of the home and family as long as he doesn't violate any of God's commands because God's commands are from a higher authority. Thus, the husband's authority should be obeyed within this sphere of his rightful authority.
For more on the proper sphere of a husband's authority, see my blog post:
Lori Alexander 122p · 447 weeks ago
pamelambc 33p · 447 weeks ago
So, unless you want to go to jail or get fired from your job, you must obey those over you. If the police are wrong, there are proper procedures to handle that afterward. I once reported police officer for his treatment of me during a traffic stop, but I obeyed him while I was pulled over.
The Bible says it clearly.
Romans 13:1-7
Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God. Therefore whoever resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves.
Titus 3:1
Remind them to be subject to rulers, to authorities, to be obedient, to be ready for every good deed
1 Peter 2:13-14
Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every human institution, whether to a king as the one in authority, or to governors as sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and the praise of those who do right.
Liz M. · 447 weeks ago
"After dying for you, Jesus would not play a dirty trick on you by putting you in a position that will make you miserable...Do not put His love on the level of, or below, human love (which you do when you feel that He would repay submission with punishment).
Suppose that when I return home from a trip, my sons greet me by saying "Mother, we've missed you and have decided that we'll do anything you want us to do, starting now."
Imagine if I responded by saying 'Oh, good. I'm going to make your life miserable. You'll have Brussels sprouts three times a day, and you'll never get to do anything you like to do again. You'll be sorry you made such a commitment to me.'
Of course I wouldn't say that. Once I finished hugging my sons, I'd probably buy them presents. If we, in our incomplete human love, respond this way, surely we should not expect less from God. His love is perfect. He reaches out, wanting to minister to us in our deepest needs. If we can trust each other, surely we can trust the God of love and salvation."
Lori Alexander 122p · 447 weeks ago
sipcode 22p · 447 weeks ago
Likewise, wives, get out of your husband's way and truly see His wonders.
Lori Alexander 122p · 447 weeks ago