wrote in 1 Timothy 4:12, “Be an example…in speech, in the way you
live, in your love, your faith, and your purity.” Children are taught
more by your example than your words. You can speak to them about the Word
consistently but if you are not practicing what you teach, it won’t have an
impact. You will have a greater influence upon your children’s lives than
anyone or anything else. Take this seriously. You are molding eternal beings
and your conduct will affect them until they die.
is your speech like in front of your children? I hear mothers that call
themselves “Christians” swear at their children and have no problem with using
foul language. Their speech is not seasoned with salt but with rottenness. This
should never be mothers! Your words should always be filled with kindness,
encouragement, and never critical or demeaning others. Life and death are in
the power of the tongue; to lift up or to tear down. Use your tongue to lift up
the name of Jesus and build your children up.
about the way you live? Are you careful to use your time wisely or do you spend
it in frivolous pursuits? We should be known for good works; helping those
around us in need and especially our families. Our times are short on this
earth, therefore, we must use our time wisely and not fritter it away on the
you love others deeply? If you struggle with this, memorize 1 Corinthians 13:4-7
for this is the definition of love. If you aren’t being patient and kind
towards your children, you are not truly loving them as the Lord has told you
to love others. Yes, there will be difficult and hard times, but remember you are
to believe the best, even of your children. Smother them with affection and
kindness. It is the best gift you can give them.
about faith? Do your children know you love the Lord deeply? If you asked them
this question, how would they answer? Without faith, it is impossible to please
the Lord or to raise godly children. Let your faith in the Risen Lord affect
everything you do. Make sure church is a priority, regular times of prayer, and
reading the Bible with them.
about your purity? Are you careful what you read, watch, and listen to? If you
tell your children they can only watch “proper” shows but you watch impure
shows after they are you in bed, your hypocrisy will find you out. We must
practice what we preach or it will all fall on deaf ears. Clean out your homes
of any impurity. Teach your children about purity early and often. Pray they
will yearn to be modest in the way they dress and pure with those of the
opposite sex. Do everything in your power to keep them from impurity: Internet,
TV shows, movies, and iPhones.
model integrity, honesty, kindness, and goodness to your children at all times,
especially in the way you treat their father. Your respect and love towards him
will have a greater influence on them than anything else you will do. Yes, all
this may see overwhelming to you but remember, with God all things are
Nellie · 448 weeks ago
Anonymous · 448 weeks ago
Ken · 448 weeks ago
Alternatively, ask him if he will police what your children are viewing, and if and when it starts to cross the line, send them out of the room.
The issue of marriage and family has many layers, and a husband, right or wrong about these grayer areas must be allowed to choose for the sake of an overall Biblical marriage. If not a wife's perceptions will always rule. Keep up healthy and joyful discussions with your husband and pray that the Lord will do the convicting in these areas.
Anonymous · 448 weeks ago
HappyHomemaker · 448 weeks ago
Vikki · 448 weeks ago
Beth · 448 weeks ago
Lori Alexander 122p · 448 weeks ago
Helen · 448 weeks ago
Maybe you need to talk more about developing a DISCERNING attitude in your children than a CRITICAL attitude. Discernment means your children examine what they are being told and learning to reject anything that is ungodly and unwholesome. Maybe that is more what you should be planning to teach your children??
Blessings to you
Helen UK
Trish Clark · 448 weeks ago
Again I thank you for an excellent message. I have my minister son, his wife and two young daughters (8 & 12) here in my home since my husband passed away. They are 'taking care' of me (smile)...anyway I am determined to be a good example for all of them. It's become a challenge to always be aware of my words, work, and even my attitude. Children are very aware of intent and hypocrisy. I am grateful for the encouragement from your blog. Thank you.
Amy · 447 weeks ago